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Emprende en tu ciudad

¿Pensando en invertir? Acertarás al abrir negocios rentables en Tijuana, México, por todas las ventajas que tiene para ti, esta ciudad fronteriza con Estados Unidos.

Profitable Businesses in Tijuana, Mexico Without limits!

Thinking of investing? You will be successful in opening profitable businesses in Tijuana, Mexico, for all the advantages that this border city with the United States has for you.


The main sectors where you can enter are commerce, industry and services such as food, beverages and tourism.

It is possible to start profitable businesses in Tijuana

I have three words for you that summarize the economic activity in Tijuana: commerce, industry and tourism.

In Tijuana, commercial activity is concentrated on Revolución and Constitución avenues, and your business may be in one of the two. They offer a wide variety of products. I can cite, for example, Mexican crafts, toys, textiles, jewelry, and leather goods.

Duty free shops, that is, with items exempt from tax rates, are not lacking, as in any border city. Consider this alternative!

Regarding industries, keep in mind that Tijuana is home to manufacturing and assembly plants such as aerospace, electronic equipment, and medical implements, products or devices.

Export facilities are the main attraction for industries.

Tijuana, due to its location on the border, is ideal for business tourism. However, they also develop health tourism, due to the arrival of patients from the United States. This, because there the costs for care are lower and there are facilities to acquire medical equipment.

In sum, Tijuana concentrates some forty thousand companies, which employ around 92% of the active population in the city's economy. Consequently, the authorities promote and support entrepreneurship initiatives.

For this reason, you and those who wish to open profitable businesses in Tijuana, Mexico, can count on the  


It facilitates access to the offer of public and private support, for entrepreneurs like you, microentrepreneurs and SMEs.


How do they support?

Through the Rapid Business Opening System, the Business Support Network, job bank, Medical Pass Program, in the same way, they offer financing ... and Attention with this information! include this last benefit, for older adults.

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